Thursday 13 July 2017

An Open Conversation on Friendship

Just got back from my bestfriend's birthday after showering her with hugs, presents and unsuccessfully trying to embarass her by forcing her to dance with strangers in the middle of oxford st at 10 at night. But no it all seriously got me thinking about the 'friends' i currently have in my life and the effort i make (or sadly don't) on my part to keep them.

Personally i feel like actually making the effort to be a 'good friend' within friendships gets so much harder the older you get. Being able to be an advice filled good listener, be queen inspector morse when it comes to new potential partners and be at every single birthday or event is sometimes hard work, and gets harder the more genuine friends you gain. 

Then on the other hand, coming to the realization that you've just outgrown one another or in different places in your life is also a hard pill to swallow.

Like actually just arranging a time & place to meet up for a quick catch up you gotta take into consideration: Your work schedule, combined with their work schedule, combined with different paydays, slow money months, distance and other relationships or issues that might 'force' them to cancel last min. 

Not that you gotta meet up with your friends like every week to actually maintain your friendship but for me as i've grown up ive clocked it's pretty much my go to option as
 a) i'm not a caller, b) i take at least 5 to 6 hours to respond to messages, and c) i listen to voicenotes, will start to record and forget everything i was meant to respond to and just end up sending a 5 minute voicenote full of 'umm's' and 'oh what was i gonna say again'?'.

Having worked a lot of jobs and gone through school, 2 colleges and uni, I've been in and out of a lot of whatspp group chats, lost friends by 'association', had almost half a year group cut me off and then cut me back in, and learned that chicks before dicks might just be the realest saying ever. Almost every friend i have has a different idea what they mind and don't mind in friendships, so in order to keep them alive i've had to grow out of  things like not being a caller, and learn to be ok with people wanting me to meet them (what feels like) half way across the earth because they don't live in south london.

Having good friends around you is so necessary. To your growth, mental health, happiness and i guess your ability to function in different social situations lol.
Making an effort in whatever form you and your friends do is so important. Nobody knows your friendship as well as you and the people/person in it and learning to value the people that are happy for me when good things happen, and take my secrets to the grave is something i never wanna be guilty of taking advantage of.

1. Bodysuit: Topshop
2. Trousers: Zara
3. Bag: Zara
4. Photography: Sofie Hyland Ward

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